Upon arriving in town they are reunited with old friends and make new ones. In order to leave behind their painful memories, they seek a new beginning in their old childhood town, all the way out in the country. It tells the story of the two twins, Sora and Haruka who just lost their parents in a car accident. Yosuga no Sora is a slice of life romance visual novel by Sphere. Either way, there is a lot of negativity surrounding the game, and I hope that by making this review, some of that will go away. Maybe you heard rumors, read a negative review or an angry comment about it. Yosuga no Sora is one of those games that a lot of people might judge before actually giving it a go, due to its nature. If anyone know if it can be moved over there then that would be cool. I´m just posting it here in the same format. So before I start, I don´t really know if this can go up on fuwa review or not so.